WPS Office.apk(点击下载) / zto.java

package defpackage;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.Dialog;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.pm.PackageInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.NinePatch;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.graphics.drawable.ColorDrawable;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.graphics.drawable.NinePatchDrawable;
import android.graphics.drawable.PaintDrawable;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.support.v4.app.Fragment;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.webkit.CookieSyncManager;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.RelativeLayout;
import android.widget.TextView;
import com.iflytek.cloud.ErrorCode;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.scribe.model.OAuthConstants;

/* renamed from: zto  reason: default package */
public final class zto extends ztt {
    public static String BJx;
    public static String BJy;
    zxj BJz;
    private String d;
    private WeakReference<Activity> e;

    /* access modifiers changed from: package-private */
    /* renamed from: zto$a */
    public class a implements zxj {
        zxj BJE;
        private final String c = "sendinstall";
        private final String d = "installwording";
        private final String e = "http://appsupport.qq.com/cgi-bin/qzapps/mapp_addapp.cgi";

        /* renamed from: zto$a$a  reason: collision with other inner class name */
        abstract class AbstractView$OnClickListenerC0244a implements View.OnClickListener {
            Dialog BJH;

            AbstractView$OnClickListenerC0244a(Dialog dialog) {
                this.BJH = dialog;

        public a(zxj zxj) {
            this.BJE = zxj;

        private static Drawable q(String str, Context context) {
            IOException e2;
            Drawable drawable;
            Bitmap bitmap;
            try {
                InputStream open = context.getApplicationContext().getAssets().open(str);
                if (open == null) {
                    return null;
                if (str.endsWith(".9.png")) {
                    try {
                        bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(open);
                    } catch (OutOfMemoryError e3) {
                        bitmap = null;
                    if (bitmap == null) {
                        return null;
                    byte[] ninePatchChunk = bitmap.getNinePatchChunk();
                    return new NinePatchDrawable(bitmap, ninePatchChunk, new Rect(), null);
                drawable = Drawable.createFromStream(open, str);
                try {
                    return drawable;
                } catch (IOException e4) {
                    e2 = e4;
            } catch (IOException e5) {
                drawable = null;
                e2 = e5;
                return drawable;

        @Override // defpackage.zxj
        public final void onCancel() {
            if (this.BJE != null) {

        @Override // defpackage.zxj
        public final void onComplete(final Object obj) {
            JSONObject jSONObject;
            boolean z;
            String str;
            Activity activity;
            PackageInfo packageInfo;
            if (obj != null && (jSONObject = (JSONObject) obj) != null) {
                try {
                    boolean z2 = jSONObject.getInt("sendinstall") == 1;
                    str = jSONObject.getString("installwording");
                    z = z2;
                } catch (JSONException e2) {
                    zue.d("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "FeedConfirmListener onComplete There is no value for sendinstall.");
                    z = false;
                    str = "";
                String decode = URLDecoder.decode(str);
                zue.a("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", " WORDING = " + decode + "xx");
                if (z && !TextUtils.isEmpty(decode)) {
                    final zxj zxj = this.BJE;
                    if (zto.this.e != null && (activity = (Activity) zto.this.e.get()) != null) {
                        Dialog dialog = new Dialog(activity);
                        PackageManager packageManager = activity.getPackageManager();
                        try {
                            packageInfo = packageManager.getPackageInfo(activity.getPackageName(), 0);
                        } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e3) {
                            packageInfo = null;
                        Drawable loadIcon = packageInfo != null ? packageInfo.applicationInfo.loadIcon(packageManager) : null;
                        AnonymousClass1 r5 = new AbstractView$OnClickListenerC0244a(dialog) {
                            /* class defpackage.zto.a.AnonymousClass1 */

                            public final void onClick(View view) {
                                Activity activity;
                                a aVar = a.this;
                                Bundle b2 = zto.this.b();
                                if (!(zto.this.e == null || (activity = (Activity) zto.this.e.get()) == null)) {
                                    ztp ztp = zto.this.BJZ;
                                    zue.a("openSDK_LOG.HttpUtils", "OpenApi requestAsync");
                                    /*  JADX ERROR: Method code generation error
                                        jadx.core.utils.exceptions.CodegenException: Error generate insn: 0x0035: INVOKE  
                                          (wrap: zuq$1 : 0x0032: CONSTRUCTOR  (r0v9 zuq$1) = 
                                          (r1v6 'ztp' ztp)
                                          (r2v1 'activity' android.app.Activity)
                                          (r4v0 'b2' android.os.Bundle)
                                          (wrap: java.lang.String : ?: SGET   com.google.firebase.perf.FirebasePerformance.HttpMethod.POST java.lang.String)
                                          (null zxi)
                                         call: zuq.1.<init>(ztp, android.content.Context, java.lang.String, android.os.Bundle, java.lang.String, zxi):void type: CONSTRUCTOR)
                                         type: VIRTUAL call: zuq.1.start():void in method: zto.a.1.onClick(android.view.View):void, file: classes12.dex
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.InsnGen.makeInsn(InsnGen.java:255)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.InsnGen.makeInsn(InsnGen.java:217)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.RegionGen.makeSimpleBlock(RegionGen.java:110)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.RegionGen.makeRegion(RegionGen.java:56)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.RegionGen.makeSimpleRegion(RegionGen.java:93)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.RegionGen.makeRegion(RegionGen.java:59)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.RegionGen.makeRegionIndent(RegionGen.java:99)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.RegionGen.makeIf(RegionGen.java:143)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.RegionGen.makeRegion(RegionGen.java:63)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.RegionGen.makeSimpleRegion(RegionGen.java:93)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.RegionGen.makeRegion(RegionGen.java:59)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.MethodGen.addRegionInsns(MethodGen.java:244)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.MethodGen.addInstructions(MethodGen.java:237)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.ClassGen.addMethodCode(ClassGen.java:342)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.ClassGen.addMethod(ClassGen.java:295)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.ClassGen.lambda$addInnerClsAndMethods$2(ClassGen.java:264)
                                        	at java.base/java.util.stream.ForEachOps$ForEachOp$OfRef.accept(ForEachOps.java:183)
                                        	at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(ArrayList.java:1541)
                                        	at java.base/java.util.stream.SortedOps$RefSortingSink.end(SortedOps.java:395)
                                        	at java.base/java.util.stream.Sink$ChainedReference.end(Sink.java:258)
                                        Caused by: jadx.core.utils.exceptions.CodegenException: Error generate insn: 0x0032: CONSTRUCTOR  (r0v9 zuq$1) = 
                                          (r1v6 'ztp' ztp)
                                          (r2v1 'activity' android.app.Activity)
                                          (r4v0 'b2' android.os.Bundle)
                                          (wrap: java.lang.String : ?: SGET   com.google.firebase.perf.FirebasePerformance.HttpMethod.POST java.lang.String)
                                          (null zxi)
                                         call: zuq.1.<init>(ztp, android.content.Context, java.lang.String, android.os.Bundle, java.lang.String, zxi):void type: CONSTRUCTOR in method: zto.a.1.onClick(android.view.View):void, file: classes12.dex
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.InsnGen.makeInsn(InsnGen.java:255)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.InsnGen.addWrappedArg(InsnGen.java:119)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.InsnGen.addArg(InsnGen.java:103)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.InsnGen.addArgDot(InsnGen.java:87)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.InsnGen.makeInvoke(InsnGen.java:715)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.InsnGen.makeInsnBody(InsnGen.java:367)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.InsnGen.makeInsn(InsnGen.java:249)
                                        	... 19 more
                                        Caused by: jadx.core.utils.exceptions.JadxRuntimeException: Expected class to be processed at this point, class: zuq, state: GENERATED_AND_UNLOADED
                                        	at jadx.core.dex.nodes.ClassNode.ensureProcessed(ClassNode.java:215)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.InsnGen.makeConstructor(InsnGen.java:630)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.InsnGen.makeInsnBody(InsnGen.java:363)
                                        	at jadx.core.codegen.InsnGen.makeInsn(InsnGen.java:230)
                                        	... 25 more
                                        this = this;
                                        zto$a r0 = defpackage.zto.a.this
                                        zto r1 = defpackage.zto.this
                                        android.os.Bundle r4 = defpackage.zto.g(r1)
                                        zto r1 = defpackage.zto.this
                                        java.lang.ref.WeakReference r1 = defpackage.zto.e(r1)
                                        if (r1 == 0) goto L_0x0038
                                        zto r1 = defpackage.zto.this
                                        java.lang.ref.WeakReference r1 = defpackage.zto.e(r1)
                                        java.lang.Object r2 = r1.get()
                                        android.app.Activity r2 = (android.app.Activity) r2
                                        if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x0038
                                        zto r0 = defpackage.zto.this
                                        ztp r1 = defpackage.zto.h(r0)
                                        java.lang.String r3 = "http://appsupport.qq.com/cgi-bin/qzapps/mapp_addapp.cgi"
                                        java.lang.String r5 = "POST"
                                        java.lang.String r0 = "openSDK_LOG.HttpUtils"
                                        java.lang.String r6 = "OpenApi requestAsync"
                                        defpackage.zue.a(r0, r6)
                                        zuq$1 r0 = new zuq$1
                                        r6 = 0
                                        r0.<init>(r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6)
                                        android.app.Dialog r0 = r7.BJH
                                        if (r0 == 0) goto L_0x0049
                                        android.app.Dialog r0 = r7.BJH
                                        boolean r0 = r0.isShowing()
                                        if (r0 == 0) goto L_0x0049
                                        android.app.Dialog r0 = r7.BJH
                                        zxj r0 = r7
                                        if (r0 == 0) goto L_0x0054
                                        zxj r0 = r7
                                        java.lang.Object r1 = r18
                                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: defpackage.zto.a.AnonymousClass1.onClick(android.view.View):void");
                            AnonymousClass2 r9 = new AbstractView$OnClickListenerC0244a(dialog) {
                                /* class defpackage.zto.a.AnonymousClass2 */

                                public final void onClick(View view) {
                                    if (this.BJH != null && this.BJH.isShowing()) {
                                    if (zxj != null) {
                            ColorDrawable colorDrawable = new ColorDrawable();
                            DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
                            ((WindowManager) activity.getSystemService("window")).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(displayMetrics);
                            float f = displayMetrics.density;
                            RelativeLayout relativeLayout = new RelativeLayout(activity);
                            ImageView imageView = new ImageView(activity);
                            int i = (int) (60.0f * f);
                            int i2 = (int) (14.0f * f);
                            int i3 = (int) (18.0f * f);
                            RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(i, i);
                            layoutParams.setMargins(0, i3, (int) (6.0f * f), i3);
                            relativeLayout.addView(imageView, layoutParams);
                            TextView textView = new TextView(activity);
                            textView.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
                            textView.setMinWidth((int) (185.0f * f));
                            RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams2 = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(-2, -2);
                            layoutParams2.addRule(1, 1);
                            layoutParams2.addRule(6, 1);
                            layoutParams2.setMargins(0, 0, (int) (5.0f * f), 0);
                            relativeLayout.addView(textView, layoutParams2);
                            View view = new View(activity);
                            view.setBackgroundColor(Color.rgb(214, 214, 214));
                            RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams3 = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(-2, 2);
                            layoutParams3.addRule(3, 1);
                            layoutParams3.addRule(5, 1);
                            layoutParams3.addRule(7, 5);
                            layoutParams3.setMargins(0, 0, 0, (int) (12.0f * f));
                            relativeLayout.addView(view, layoutParams3);
                            LinearLayout linearLayout = new LinearLayout(activity);
                            RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams4 = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(-2, -2);
                            layoutParams4.addRule(5, 1);
                            layoutParams4.addRule(7, 5);
                            layoutParams4.addRule(3, 3);
                            Button button = new Button(activity);
                            button.setBackgroundDrawable(q("buttonNegt.png", activity));
                            button.setTextColor(Color.rgb(36, 97, 131));
                            LinearLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams5 = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(0, (int) (45.0f * f));
                            layoutParams5.rightMargin = i2;
                            layoutParams5.leftMargin = (int) (4.0f * f);
                            layoutParams5.weight = 1.0f;
                            linearLayout.addView(button, layoutParams5);
                            Button button2 = new Button(activity);
                            button2.setTextColor(Color.rgb(255, 255, 255));
                            button2.setBackgroundDrawable(q("buttonPost.png", activity));
                            LinearLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams6 = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(0, (int) (45.0f * f));
                            layoutParams6.weight = 1.0f;
                            layoutParams6.rightMargin = (int) (4.0f * f);
                            linearLayout.addView(button2, layoutParams6);
                            relativeLayout.addView(linearLayout, layoutParams4);
                            ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams7 = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams((int) (279.0f * f), (int) (163.0f * f));
                            relativeLayout.setPadding(i2, 0, (int) (12.0f * f), (int) (12.0f * f));
                            relativeLayout.setBackgroundColor(Color.rgb(247, 251, 247));
                            PaintDrawable paintDrawable = new PaintDrawable(Color.rgb(247, 251, 247));
                            paintDrawable.setCornerRadius(f * 5.0f);
                            dialog.setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() {
                                /* class defpackage.zto.a.AnonymousClass3 */

                                public final void onCancel(DialogInterface dialogInterface) {
                                    if (zxj != null) {
                            if (activity != null && !activity.isFinishing()) {
                    } else if (this.BJE != null) {

            @Override // defpackage.zxj
            public final void onError(zxl zxl) {
                if (this.BJE != null) {

        /* access modifiers changed from: package-private */
        /* renamed from: zto$b */
        public class b implements zxj {
            private final zxj BJA;
            private final boolean c = true;
            private final Context d;

            public b(Context context, zxj zxj, boolean z) {
                this.d = context;
                this.BJA = zxj;
                zue.b("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "OpenUi, TokenListener()");

            @Override // defpackage.zxj
            public final void onCancel() {
                zue.b("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "OpenUi, TokenListener() onCancel");

            @Override // defpackage.zxj
            public final void onComplete(Object obj) {
                zue.b("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "OpenUi, TokenListener() onComplete");
                JSONObject jSONObject = (JSONObject) obj;
                try {
                    String string = jSONObject.getString(OAuthConstants.ACCESS_TOKEN);
                    String string2 = jSONObject.getString("expires_in");
                    String string3 = jSONObject.getString("openid");
                    if (!(string == null || zto.this.BJZ == null || string3 == null)) {
                        zto.this.BJZ.iC(string, string2);
                        zto.this.BJZ.c = string3;
                        ztn.c(this.d, zto.this.BJZ);
                    String string4 = jSONObject.getString("pf");
                    if (string4 != null) {
                        try {
                            this.d.getSharedPreferences("pfStore", 0).edit().putString("pf", string4).commit();
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            zue.j("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "OpenUi, TokenListener() onComplete error", e);
                    if (this.c) {
                } catch (JSONException e2) {
                    zue.j("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "OpenUi, TokenListener() onComplete error", e2);
                zto.this.BJz = null;

            @Override // defpackage.zxj
            public final void onError(zxl zxl) {
                zue.b("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "OpenUi, TokenListener() onError");

        static {
            BJx = "libwbsafeedit";
            BJy = BJx + ".so";
            String str = Build.CPU_ABI;
            if (str == null || str.equals("")) {
                BJx = "libwbsafeedit";
                BJy = BJx + ".so";
                zue.c("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "is arm(default) architecture");
            } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("arm64-v8a")) {
                BJx = "libwbsafeedit_64";
                BJy = BJx + ".so";
                zue.c("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "is arm64-v8a architecture");
            } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("x86")) {
                BJx = "libwbsafeedit_x86";
                BJy = BJx + ".so";
                zue.c("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "is x86 architecture");
            } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("x86_64")) {
                BJx = "libwbsafeedit_x86_64";
                BJy = BJx + ".so";
                zue.c("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "is x86_64 architecture");
            } else {
                BJx = "libwbsafeedit";
                BJy = BJx + ".so";
                zue.c("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "is arm(default) architecture");

        public zto(ztp ztp) {

        public final int a(Activity activity, String str, zxj zxj) {
            return a(activity, str, zxj, false, null);

        /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:5:0x0040, code lost:
            if (defpackage.zux.n(defpackage.zuu.a(), r0) != false) goto L_0x0042;
        /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:17:0x0123  */
        public final int a(Activity activity, String str, zxj zxj, boolean z, Fragment fragment) {
            boolean z2;
            this.d = str;
            this.e = new WeakReference<>(activity);
            this.BJz = zxj;
            if (!zuv.cV(activity, this.BJZ.a).b("C_LoginWeb")) {
                zue.c("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "startActionActivity() -- start");
                Intent intent = new Intent();
                if (zuz.d(zuu.a())) {
                    intent.setClassName("com.tencent.minihd.qq", "com.tencent.open.agent.AgentActivity");
                intent.setClassName("com.tencent.mobileqq", "com.tencent.open.agent.AgentActivity");
                if (!zux.n(zuu.a(), intent)) {
                    intent.setClassName("com.tencent.tim", "com.tencent.open.agent.AgentActivity");
                    if (!zux.n(zuu.a(), intent)) {
                        intent = null;
                if (intent != null) {
                    Bundle gSF = gSF();
                    gSF.putString(OAuthConstants.SCOPE, this.d);
                    gSF.putString(OAuthConstants.CLIENT_ID, this.BJZ.a);
                    if (BKf) {
                        gSF.putString("pf", "desktop_m_qq-" + BKd + "-android" + "-" + BKc + "-" + BKe);
                    } else {
                        gSF.putString("pf", "openmobile_android");
                    gSF.putString("need_pay", "1");
                    Context a2 = zuu.a();
                    gSF.putString("oauth_app_name", a2.getApplicationInfo().loadLabel(a2.getPackageManager()).toString());
                    intent.putExtra("key_action", "action_login");
                    intent.putExtra("key_params", gSF);
                    intent.putExtra("appid", this.BJZ.a);
                    if (at(intent)) {
                        this.BJz = new a(this.BJz);
                        ztu.gSG().a(ErrorCode.MSP_ERROR_HCR_RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST, this.BJz);
                        if (fragment != null) {
                            zue.b("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "startAssitActivity fragment");
                            intent.putExtra("key_request_code", ErrorCode.MSP_ERROR_HCR_RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST);
                            fragment.startActivityForResult(ztt.c(fragment.getActivity(), intent), ErrorCode.MSP_ERROR_HCR_RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST);
                        } else {
                            zue.b("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "startAssitActivity activity");
                            b(activity, intent, ErrorCode.MSP_ERROR_HCR_RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST);
                        zue.c("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "startActionActivity() -- end, found activity for loginIntent");
                        zum.a(0, "LOGIN_CHECK_SDK", "1000", this.BJZ.a, "", Long.valueOf(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()), 0, 1, "");
                        z2 = true;
                        if (z2) {
                            zue.c("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "OpenUi, showUi, return Constants.UI_ACTIVITY");
                            zum.a(this.BJZ.c, this.BJZ.a, "2", "1", "5", "0", "0", "0");
                            return 1;
                zum.a(1, "LOGIN_CHECK_SDK", "1000", this.BJZ.a, "", Long.valueOf(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()), 0, 1, "startActionActivity fail");
                zue.c("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "startActionActivity() -- end, no target activity for loginIntent");
                z2 = false;
                if (z2) {
            zum.a(this.BJZ.c, this.BJZ.a, "2", "1", "5", "1", "0", "0");
            zue.d("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "doLogin startActivity fail show dialog.");
            this.BJz = new a(this.BJz);
            zxj zxj2 = this.BJz;
            zue.c("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "OpenUi, showDialog -- start");
            Bundle gSF2 = gSF();
            gSF2.putString(OAuthConstants.SCOPE, this.d);
            gSF2.putString(OAuthConstants.CLIENT_ID, this.BJZ.a);
            if (BKf) {
                gSF2.putString("pf", "desktop_m_qq-" + BKd + "-android" + "-" + BKc + "-" + BKe);
            } else {
                gSF2.putString("pf", "openmobile_android");
            String sb = new StringBuilder().append(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000).toString();
            gSF2.putString("sign", zux.b(zuu.a(), sb));
            gSF2.putString("time", sb);
            gSF2.putString("display", "mobile");
            gSF2.putString("response_type", "token");
            gSF2.putString(OAuthConstants.REDIRECT_URI, "auth://tauth.qq.com/");
            gSF2.putString("cancel_display", "1");
            gSF2.putString("switch", "1");
            gSF2.putString("status_userip", zuz.a());
            final String str2 = zuw.gSO().a(zuu.a(), "https://openmobile.qq.com/oauth2.0/m_authorize?") + zuq.ad(gSF2);
            final b bVar = new b(zuu.a(), zxj2, true);
            zue.b("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "OpenUi, showDialog TDialog");
            zuy.bn(new Runnable() {
                /* class defpackage.zto.AnonymousClass1 */

                /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:2:0x0011, code lost:
                    r0 = (android.app.Activity) r3.BJB.e.get();
                public final void run() {
                    final Activity activity;
                    zux.a(zto.BJx, zto.BJy, 3);
                    if (zto.this.e != null && activity != null) {
                        activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                            /* class defpackage.zto.AnonymousClass1.AnonymousClass1 */

                            public final void run() {
                                ztq ztq = new ztq(activity, "action_login", str2, bVar, zto.this.BJZ);
                                if (activity != null && !activity.isFinishing()) {
            zue.c("openSDK_LOG.AuthAgent", "OpenUi, showDialog -- end");
            return 2;